Mothering Pen

January 6, 2009 ummmusa1

I took out my pen to write, took the cap off, alas there was a piece of glue stuck to it, I removed it. I wrote. This also symbolises how motherhood has unblocked my writing ink, so to speak.

After having my first son, Musa, a whole new world opened up to me, I had never noticed it before, filled with coffee mornings and toddler groups, baby magazines and books dealing with all aspects of motherhood. In fact, anything and everything baby related. Then came along my second child, conceived six months after the birth of my first born. A shock to say the least but in time a welcome surprise. Along with my faith, the support of those around me, my other greatest ally were the books, they provided me with guidance and solutions that gave me confidence in my parenting. Before the impending birth of Dawud, I read everything sibling related. I read like I had never done before, gathering facts and opinions, gaining insight from the stories of other mothers. Reading offered me a security blanket that I was not alone, it felt exciting and reassuring to know that I was part of a larger community.

The endless blogs and forums bought together mothers who had the same hopes, joys, fears and frustrations. After all was read and pondered over, the computer shut down, the books given away to friends , I could pick and choose the things that worked for me, with out the confusions and contradictions that people can sometimes brings. If I disagreed, I could close the book and put it away and likewise if something worked I could read it again and again until I got the hang of it. No, my books  never tire of me.

Although the reading had removed the lid from my pen, the bottled up desire to write  was released after the birth of my second child, Dawud, his entrance into my life caused the ink to flow. A year after his birth I put pen to paper and wrote my first article on The Joys of having Irish Twins. The gateway had opened and more writing followed. Whilst the boys slept, I reminisced on how my daily experiences had shaped me and began to write more and more. The regular writing has helped to being fluidity in my words and increased confidence and surety to express my thoughts.

I am ready to stray from parent related topics and explore the wide world out there, and hopefully engage in my prize winning novel that I aspire to produce inshallah. But it is two my little men that I am indebted to, one for putting the pen in my hand and the other for causing words to flow on a blank page.

Motherhood had bought on a journey that I never expected, a journey of self development that pushes me to try and be the best I can,  a nocturnal  inspiration for my boys. After all actions are much louder then words.

Entry Filed under: motherhood,Uncategorized

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