Pathway to Liberation

November 25, 2008 ummmusa1
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When I recall life before the hijab, it’s as if I remember another lifetime. Although it is a time marked as reality, it is also a moment of my life where I was immersed in a false existence. The freedom I felt ,the happiness and liberation I felt from beautifying my appearance never really penetrated through my entire being. I may have appeared to be free, but my true essence felt imprisoned to the expectations of society whereby peoples approval were like shackles that prevented me from living true freedom, mind, body and soul.

Then a new dawn entered my life, changing me forever. My previous existence and all that went with it internally and externally disappearing into the darkness of the night. I became a butterfly, soaring freely into the sky, shedding behind the restrictive caterpillar skin. I was now a ‘hijabi’, a term referred to muslim women who wear the hijab. I felt so alive, filled with the radiance of shining night stars. I emanated a true beauty that came from the very core of my being. My hijab had removed the chains of expectations, judgements and unwanted stares. Although I was now covered and people will always judge, I was no longer a follower of societies dress code and even if people commented, it was on a piece of religious attire not my personal dress sense, nor my hairstyle or whether I had followed the trend acceptably. For being judged and even liked for what I put on my body is a superficiality I no longer want to engage in.

Now days people are much more interested in the words that escape my lips, the opinions I follow in my heart and most importantly my behaviour and character.  More so, I am also more thoughtful of my interactions, as I am no longer just Aliza but seen as a Muslim woman with all the connotations and stereotype attached to me. I push myself to be an outstanding individual, for everyday, when I catch a glimpse of myself outside, in a car window or a shop mirror I know I have a responsibility to be the very best. And no, I don’t find that restraining, much rather refreshing. Living in a fast paced society where people have less and less time or patience for  manners or courteous behaviour, I feel the importance that is placed upon me by my faith to hold onto the very fabric that will help to uplift our society to be the better place we all want to live in.

How can I never want to wear fashionable clothes? Of course I do, every single day, under my hijab. What’s the point? You may ask. Simply because now I have control of who sees me in my beautiful attire, although I may look beautiful from within, only those whom I choose can see me. So there’s no chance of unwanted comments being hurled at me on the shape of my figure or my choice of fashion. I can engage in my day to day activities without disruption.

I choose to cover for I strongly believe that only my creator has the right to set the rules which I follow. I wear the hijab for him, the master of the universe, not my husband or family and certainly not society. It is my love for him, for his promises which are true, void of judgement or bias and constant in their nature. God has guided me to his path, I have submitted and for that my reward has no limits.

Entry Filed under: Faith

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