Posts tagged ‘school ‘

Schools out, not for me!

The sound of scraping chairs, the giggles at the back of the classroom, whispers whilst the teacher’s back is turned, maybe days never to return for some. I, however, have just stepped back into lost time. I have embarked on the road of teaching.

Feeling like a school girl, walking through the long, dreary corridors, I was almost amazed to find that life within school, still carries on and on, like the wind and the sun. A sense of surety, that as we age and move on in the cycle of life, some things will always be. The sun will always shine on at us, sometimes visible,other times hidden, no different to the institutions of education.

The noisy corridors, the deadly teacher stares, after school detentions, have never ceased to exist, hidden behind the red brick walls, enveloping the former years into a contained box.

When I look back at my school life it is like observing still life, a unique piece of art, that came together stroke after stroke. Upon reflection the individual strokes were meaningless. But as they merged together a picture was formed. Like strokes, the growing years were filled with many moments, each episode shaping and moulding me into the person I have become today. The impact of incidents we face in our youth, may never really have made the complete departure we hoped. Perhaps my sensitive nature, easily hurt was ignited by the throw away comment that trade mark adolescence . The strong bonds of friendship has led to my trusting, friendly character, not always reciprocated buy others, perhaps those who were not as fortunate as me in formingĀ  strong bonds of friendships at school.

The snippets of school life, at times, effect present moments, causing a promise to be made, an angry outburst, a tear to be shed.

Never can I deny, the faint musty smell of the corridors, never will I forget the outstanding English teachers I had, who have shaped my decision to pursue the same path, instilled with the same passion and idealism they possessed. I hope, I too can reciprocate the enthusiasm they showed and pass it onto my students, whilst shaping and moulding young minds to believe in themselves enough to reach for the stars.

Add a comment December 17, 2008






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